What is an Occupational Health Assessment?

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An Occupational Health Assessment can also be referred to as a Work Health Assessment, is a medical examination performed by a trained Occupational Health Physician/Adviser due to an employee’s prolonged illness, work-related illness, or it can be an assessment for prospective employees

In many cases, Occupational Health Assessments are the ideal way to assess the health and wellbeing of your workforce. Say an employee has been off work due to ill health, or poor health is currently affecting their ability to perform daily work duties to the best of their ability. Or maybe you have a prospective employee that is required to be medically compatible with their new role of employment. 

How you can reduce staff absence with Occupational Health

According to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), there were 32.5 million working days lost due to work-related ill health in 2019/2020 and 1.6 million reported work-related ill health cases. Musculoskeletal disorders and stress, depression or anxiety were the leading causes of ill health cases and working days lost. So, the main aim of these assessments is to advise employers on the employee's health and make recommendations on what adjustments could be considered to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for that employee and their fitness for work. 

What is a Pre-placement Assessment? 

The purpose of a Pre-Placement Assessment is to ensure that any prospective employees are both physically and psychologically fit to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of their proposed job role, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and UK Health and Safety legislation.

The assessment is designed to identify a range of health problems that may require ongoing advice or supportive management and adjustments from their employer. 

We’ll then suggest reasonable adjustments and adaptions in the case of vulnerable or disabled employees, and review ongoing medical conditions and any limitations in the job requirements that do not constitute a health hazard to others.  

We understand how important it is for businesses to support their employees’ occupational health and wellbeing in order to manage illness, sickness and fitness for work. That’s why we deliver our bespoke solutions through a partnership approach and early intervention programme to drive through absence cases quickly and efficiently. 

We have a plethora of services that are designed to complement our health assessments, and these are delivered in several ways: 

Absence & Presenteeism Management 

Timely advice to manage illness within the workplace through our fitness for work and return to work strategies.

Case Management

Our holistic approach offers time-efficient, employee-centric advice to manage individual cases and provide employees with effective rehabilitation strategies

Health Surveillance

Our flexible support tool that manages and supports your employee health surveillance programme. 


Physical therapies and new digitally-enabled physiotherapy and musculoskeletal interventions.

Occupational Psychology & Counselling 

Our end-to-end psychological support services deliver a range of preventative solutions combined with a diverse range of rehabilitative treatment options.

Employee Wellbeing Strategies 

We’ll develop bespoke strategies that focus upon physical, psychological and social health, improving your employees’ wellbeing.

Are you looking for an workplace OH Provider that can support your business needs? Get in touch with our team of dedicated specialists.