Are you managing your Employee Absence effectively?

Our tailor-made Occupational Health services can help reduce staff sickness...

Reduce employee absence and boost workplace productivity.

Employee absence is a growing challenge for businesses, driving up costs and impacting productivity. Yet many companies fail to monitor the true financial and operational impact - especially the strain it places on remaining employees.

Common causes of employee absence

There are numerous reasons why employees may need time off work;

  • Short-term sickness
  • Having to care for an elderly relative
  • Childcare issues
  • A range of long-term health problems

How to manage employee absenteeism effectively.

All these causes and more need to be taken into account. Coronavirus is also continuing to have an impact, whether staff are having to self isolate if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, or have contracted the virus themselves.

​A​ practical and effective absence management framework is imperative to support your employees’ health and wellbeing needs. This framework should provide precise, consistent guidance in order to avoid further unauthorised absences, or any improper use of sick pay schemes.

Helping you manage employee absence effectively.

At UKIM, we understand how important it is to manage your employee absences effectively. Our expert team of clinicians from Occupational Health Nurses, Physicians, Account Managers and experienced Clinical Administrators are entirely dedicated to delivering a range of Occupational Health services with a clear structure of accountability.

Our straightforward advice is designed to reduce absences and promote wellbeing within your workforce. We also look at a range of other factors that could be contributing to the absence or illnesses of employees - we call this our biopsychosocial pathway.

Our unique biopsychosocial approach considers several factors contributing to employees’ health and illness, such as biological characteristics, behavioural factors such as stress and lifestyle, and social conditions such as cultural influences, family relationships and social support.

We then create your own unique pathway in which was can prevent, assess and treat future absences within your workforce.


Our consultative occupational health approach delivers a service that is entirely designed to support you, your business and your employees. We’ll start by constructing a detailed ‘Needs Review’. This review will cover statutory compliance and risk, employee population data - including site location visits and cultural profiles.

From the results of our needs assessment, we then design an occupational health service that meets your needs and helps you to discharge your statutory and legal obligations.

At UKIM, we are totally committed to delivering the highest commercial, operational and clinical delivery standards across the UK for all of our Occupational Health & Employee Wellbeing customers.

Does your business need help reducing employee absence? Contact our team today.