8 Ways to Improve your Workplace Wellbeing

Top tips that will help ensure your employees are fit, happy and productive.

Improving wellbeing for employees should be on every business agenda.

A recent independent review as detailed on gov.uk has detailed that being at work is better for your mental & physical health and wellbeing as opposed to being out of work. Employees in a healthy and safe workplace live much longer than those who are currently unemployed.

What is Wellbeing at work?

Wellbeing at work is about promoting and supporting your employees’ health and wellbeing. Our aim at UKIM is to help businesses champion a safe and better working environment. We do this by delivering a range of effective employee wellbeing strategies that enable businesses to deliver benefits to staff, so they are safe, happy and productive whilst in employment. 

It’s been proven that healthy, happy workplaces help employees to flourish and reach their potential. A recent study by Mind.co.uk detailed that 60 percent of employees said they’d feel more motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation to friends or family if their employer supported their mental and physical wellbeing.

60% of employees said they’d feel more motivated if their employer supported their mental and physical wellbeing

How can you start to implement an Employee Wellbeing strategy?

Below we have put together ​​eight ways in which you can improve your workplace wellbeing, focussing on the physical, psychological and sociological factors. Together, these will help ensure your employees are fit, happy and productive.

  • Create a positive environment that actively promotes contentment for both employees and the business.

  • Adopt a holistic health and wellbeing approach. Consider mindfulness sessions, yoga sessions, or health check breaks, where people can just take 5 and go for a walk.

  • Create safe places at work. Somewhere people can go and take 5 or talk to someone.  Many companies are adopting a Lunch & Learn approach creating workplace community building where employees can be educated on life skills, financial wellness, mental health, and the importance of self-care.

  • Appoint a wellbeing champion. This could be someone that employees can talk with and discuss any issues they are currently facing.

  • Consider company training for all employees on mental health within the workplace. This will help employees see the signs and encourage them talk and confide.

  • Team building activities are ideal for building relationships between staff and line managers. Team building is an essential element of improving employee wellbeing; you are building the foundations of your business for future growth.

  • Are you managers leading by example? Encourage managers to care & share. Encourage them to share that they are taking some time away from their desk or taking a wellness break.

  • Communicate, communicate. communicate. It’s vital because, without clear lines of communication with your employees, they can feel isolated. Open-door policies are great, but also make them aware there are areas they can talk to you in private. 

Embracing some of our suggestions combined with a robust and measurable health and wellbeing agenda shows you are investing in your employees. Adopting these measures with UKIM will lead to:

  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Increased resilience
  • Improved engagement
  • Increase in productivity 

Many wellbeing initiatives fall short due to businesses not knowing where to start and not having the right resource available. At UKIM, we deliver a range of employee wellbeing strategies to over 800 individual customers both across the public and private sectors. A forward-thinking company, we have a proven track record of providing completely client-focused solutions that not only deliver a range of innovative solutions but are also robust, convenient & quick.  

Businesses need to be aware of these issues to put the correct measures in place and make employee welling a priority in 2023. Employee health and wellbeing shouldn't be seen as a ‘nice-to-have’; it should be implemented in every business model for the future of their organisation.

Get in touch with our team of specialists and let us build a service that is entirely designed to support your business, it's commercial needs and most importantly, your employees.