1. Occupational health helps employers recruit and retain talent...

    Occupational health helps employers retain and recruit talent, particularly young people who need access to mental health support.

  2. Get to know our latest addition to the team - Arif Jiwany...

    Our expert teams are continuously growing here at UKIM, and we're happy to introduce Occupational Health Physician Arif Jiwany

  3. Why supporting women during menopause is beneficial for business...

    Supporting women during menopause is beneficial for business and here's why...

  4. How Occupational Health boosts recruitment & retention for SME's...

    How occupational health brings many benefits to SME's and tackles their bigger problems like recruitment and retention...

  5. How Occupational Health can reduce sickness absences & improve retention

    Uncover how Occupational Health can tackle sickness absences and enhance workforce wellbeing. Explore our solutions for a healthier, more productive team.

  6. Why Occupational Health is vital for Emergency Services workers

    Emergency service workers face immense pressure - discover how UKIM's Occupational Health services provide vital support for mental and physical wellbeing.

  7. Helping workers return to work from sick leave...

    How occupational health can help workers return from sick leave effectively to benefit businesses and tackle increased sickness absences.

  8. Why investing in mental health support is beneficial for business...

    The benefits of occupational health and mental health support all year round- not just for 'Blue Monday'...

  9. How investing in neurodiversity support benefits businesses...

    How investing in UKIM's neurodiversity specialist occupational health support can help businesses thrive by getting the optimum out of healthy workforces.

  10. Why employers should invest in occupational health in 2025...

    Investing in occupational health this new year will benefit businesses financially and operationally, as well as the wider economy and staff...