Increased Poor Mental Wellbeing in Legal Sector

The latest report from Law Care shows that there was a 14% increase in the number of people contacting them for mental health support. The report also found that this was because of a 95% increase in the number of contacts saying that bullying, harassment, or discrimination were primary reasons for contacting LawCare.

Toxic Culture in the Legal Industry: A Major Contributor to Poor Mental Wellbeing

This highlights that culture in the legal industry can be rather toxic and negative, thus reducing the mental wellbeing levels of those working in the industry. Whilst it’s great that more people in law are speaking up and seeking support, there needs to be more support within the workplace so that help can be easily accessible, and overall workplace wellbeing can be monitored.

The Importance of Investing in Employee Wellbeing Schemes in Law Firms

Investing in employee wellbeing schemes can help create a more positive and open culture, especially when it comes to more acceptance and less stigma surrounding mental health. The increase in people reaching out to LawCare, highlights that there either isn’t support available at work, where people spend most of their time, and that there could be a big problem of stigma within the legal industry due to intense competition and workloads.

Negative Work Cultures and the Emotional Toll of Legal Work

Negative work cultures, paired with the emotional gravity of cases and workloads, means that those working in law are more susceptible to experiencing poor mental health. It’s an industry where although many think it’s lavish and cool, there’s darker mental struggles running through that need to be brought to light and worked upon.

Mental Health Support in Law: Essential for Legal Excellence and Justice

Not only is it important for everyone to have mental health support, but our legal system needs to be held up to the highest standards so that there’s justice. In order to raise the bar for legal excellence, mental health support must be invested in.

Our Wellbeing in Legal Services include:

  • Immediate Support: Support that goes beyond geographical boundaries ensuring that barristers receive the help they need.
  • Proactive Wellbeing Checks: Tailored wellbeing initiatives designed to meet the unique needs of a barrister's role and beyond.
  • Clinical Escalation: Instant assistance and intervention prioritising mental health and safety in times of critical need.
  • Psychological Expertise: From stress management to resilience building, as well as personalised guidance for optimal mental wellbeing.
  • Mental Wellbeing & Anxiety: Strategies to manage anxiety, alleviate stress and foster a positive mindset conducive to sustained professional excellence.
  • Presenteeism Management: Addressing challenges before they escalate, promoting a positive and resilient work environment.
  • Reducing Stigma: By fostering a culture of open dialogue, offering confidential counselling services and promoting mental health awareness.
  • Social Media Guidance: To manage online presence effectively, mitigate negativity and build a positive digital footprint.