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Occupational Health Assessment FAQ for Employees

Are you an employee seeking answers to your Occupational Health questions?

Based in the North East, UKIM are providers of Occupational Health services to a wide range of businesses throughout the UK.

Occupational Health (OH) is a specialist branch of healthcare concerned with the effects of work upon employee health, and also the effects of health upon work capacity. UKIM advises employers on issues such as fitness for work, sickness absence, disability, rehabilitation, ill-health retirement, travel health, health promotion, or indeed any health and work issue.

We understand that employees are likely to have a number of questions about how and why Occupational Health assessments are requested and carried out.

Below are the answers to some common queries about OH. If your question is not answered here, don't hesitate to get in touch with our clinical team. 

  • What is an Occupational Health Assessment?

    An Occupational Health Assessment (sometimes called an Employee Health Assessment) provides independent, impartial advice to you and your employer about your health and fitness for work.

    The assessment may be performed by an OH professional, a nurse trained in OH or a doctor trained in occupational medicine.

  • Why do I need an Occupational Health Assessment?

    Your HR Adviser or Line Manager will usually have been the one to refer you for the Occupational Health Assessment and will have discussed the purpose of the referral with you.

    The benefit to you is that it gives you the opportunity to discuss any health problems with the OH professional, and how these impact on your work.

    The OH professional can look at all the circumstances, and provide your employer and you with advice about your health and fitness for work.

  • Do I have to attend an Occupational Health Assessment?

    If you are unhappy about why you have been referred, or if you do not wish to attend the assessment, then you should discuss this further with your HR Adviser or Line Manager.

    Please advise UKIM OH and Wellbeing as soon as possible if you are unable to attend your appointment. If you do not attend your appointment, your employer may have to make decisions about your employment without the benefit of OH advice.

  • Now that I am attending an Occupational Health Assessment, what happens next?

    Your consultation with our OH professional is likely to last around 30-60 minutes. The OH professional will ensure that you understand the purpose of the assessment and their role in providing independent, impartial advice.

    Your consent will be sought for the assessment to proceed and you will have the opportunity to review the advice of the OH professional and give consent for it to be sent to your employer.

    If a medical examination is necessary, your permission to proceed with this will also be sought.

  • What information is given to my employer?

    The information given to your employer will provide advice about your health in relation to work. This is likely to include advice about your fitness for work, how this might change in the future and any workplace adjustments that might help you.

    The advice may include limited clinical (medical) information, but this will only be included where it is relevant. The advice will not disclose unnecessary clinical detail regarding conditions that do not have a bearing upon your fitness for work.

    The aim is to assist you and your employer to manage any health problems that are impacting upon your capacity for work.

  • How are my confidential Occupational Health records maintained?

    Your OH records are maintained to the same high standard of confidentiality as hospital or GP medical records, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and GDPR.

    Your OH record will not be disclosed to anyone else outside of UKIM OH and Wellbeing without your consent. You can find out how we use your data here Notice.

  • Will there be any need for you to contact my GP or Hospital?

    Occasionally the OH professional will seek (with your written consent) a medical report from your GP or hospital involved with your care.

    This is usually necessary if the OH professional requires further clinical information about your health, (e.g. information regarding your diagnosis, results of investigations, treatment, future plans etc) prior to advising you / your employer.

    The process is subject to the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988. This gives you certain rights (including a right to see your doctor's report, if you wish, before it is sent to us).

    Under some circumstances the OH professional may write to your GP, with your consent, giving information about the outcome of your OH assessment. This can be particularly helpful where there are clinical findings or work arrangements that the OH professional believes your GP should be informed of.

Are you an employer that needs help with your Occupational Health questions?

We've created an employer-friendly FAQ for all of your Occupational Health and Employee Wellbeing queries.outlining what services are available, and how they can be applied to your business. You can read our Occupational Health FAQ for Employers here ››



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