Making your business a menopause friendly workplace
Menopausal women represent the fastest growing workplace demographic. According to menopause statistics, it’s estimated that by 2030, menopause-related productivity losses could cost more than £110 billion a year. We take a look at how you can recognise the symptoms, and practical steps you can take to support menopausal employees.

Navigating Menopause In The Workplace
UKIM's Lead Occupational Health Advisor and Menopause Champion, Laura Sharp offers insight into how employers can support female employees who are...

Supporting Women in the Workplace
Investing in women’s wellbeing is smart business - and our dedicated clinical experts can help you adopt best practices & build a culture of inclusion...

The reasonable adjustments every employer should make to support menopausal women at work
With research showing that two thirds of working women between the ages of 40 and 60 have experienced menopausal symptoms at work and it’s had a negative impact, we look at the steps all employers should consider to support this fastest growing workplace demographic...

Are you losing valued and capable employees to perimenopause or menopausal symptoms?
Menopausal women represent the fastest growing workplace demographic. According to menopause statistics, in 2018, 14 million workdays were lost due to menopause, and it’s estimated that by 2030, menopause-related productivity losses could cost more than £110 billion a year...

52% of menopausal women consider leaving work
Worldwide, it’s estimated that around half of all menopausal women work during their menopausal years. That’s around 328 million women. But with a general lack of understanding about menopausal symptoms and health issues associated with Menopause not recognised or talked about in the workplace, it’s estimated that around 52% of all menopausal women consider leaving employment.

How can Menopause Training benefit your workplace?
By committing to a ‘menopause at work’ pledge and adopting a ‘menopause at work’ policy that can include flexible hours, hybrid working, job sharing, paced working and task scheduling, rest spaces and regular supportive contact with managers, the whole ‘menopause at work’ culture can be improved to provide greater understanding and support, resulting in increased productivity and reduced sickness absenteeism.
Ready to speak with our expert team?
To find out more about our Menopause In The Workplace services and how we can help your business, call 0191 512 8220 or email:
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